35% off ( off)
On Demand Unlimited
Intro Offer $129/1st mo of streaming! $199 thereafter. Unlimited access to On Demand library and live classes.
$199 |
Unlimited classes
One Class Credit
Single Class Credit
One class credit for On Demand or Live Streaming
$18 |
1 class
45 minute Goals Consultation
Confused where to start? Not sure if your current routine is working for you and your goals? The consultation is for you. I use this time to get background information as far as workout history, what your current routine looks like, and information about your relationship with diet and exercise to come up with an approach curated specifically to you. Based on your goals, body type, and lifestyle I will thoroughly go over the steps I’d recommend you to take in order to achieve the body and balance you’re looking for. So many times I have clients who are seemingly doing everything “right”, but there’s so much information out there, it’s hard for us to decipher between what is good information and what is good information FOR US. Let me explain to you how the body works from a training perspective, and take this time to educate you on how the approach I will recommend will ensure results in a sustainable and healthy way. If there’s a timeline you’re working with, don’t worry, I’ll keep that in mind and put together targets for you to shoot for that will get you to your goal as efficiently as possible. Questions are always welcome, this time can be whatever you’d like it to be. I’m here to help! Includes 2 class credits.
$500 |
2 classes
Exclusive 6 Wk VIP 1:1 w/ Ash
6 Week VIP Program -...
6 Week VIP Program - WAITLIST
Work with Ashley 1:1 for 6 weeks on implementing both diet and exercise guidance. Lose inches while changing your relationship with food and exercise to achieve results that stay. a series of 6 weeks. Full payment of $1500. Program works as follows… initial 15 minute call where I walk through what to expect, get a feel for where you’re at, and discuss goals. Upon being selected we will schedule our educational session which is an hour long zoom call, prior to this, I will reach out and request information from you including any dietary restrictions, specific goals, current measurements/weight. may be useful for me heading into our hour long education session. 6 week program includes- *One 15 minute check in call per week * Access to me for support via email/text. * Personalized plan which we will go over in detail. * Unlimited virtual classes for 6 weeks * Unlimited access to on-demand Library * 60 minute Zoom * Access to personalized Google drive folder with Education session files, easy to understand formatting that allows you to quickly see how you’re doing each day. My goal is to empower my clients to make decisions based off of science instead of fear/food noise. If I can educate you as to how the body works, with respect to yourspecific goals, the decision making process around food and exercise is streamlined, less stressful, and second nature to you. Work with me one on one, change your approach to diet and exercise, and get results that extend far beyond the 6 week program by implementing healthy and sustainable lifestyle changes
$0 |
1 class
5 Class Credits
5 Class Package
5 class credits to On Demand classes
$95 |
5 classes
10 Class Credits
10 Class Package
10 class credits to On Demand classes
$180 |
10 classes